BARGE 2023

Click here to review your registration.


Please read and understand all of the following rules before registering.

Please select one of the following:

I understand and agree to the above rules governing my registration for BARGE 2023.
I do not agree to the above.

Registration Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Badge Nickname
E-Mail *
Badge City *
Badge State/Prov *
Badge Country
Is this your first time attending BARGE?*

Feel free to use the nickname field for your old IRC poker handle, email address, Twitter feed, or whatever personal identifier by which you'd like to be known.

Accompanying Persons

Accompanying persons are eligible to attend all non-tournament events upon payment of the appropriate fee. You are not required to pay a separate registration/membership fee for accompanying persons. Because accompanying persons do not pay the membership/registration fee, they are not eligible to vote in the annual BARGE, Inc. elections.

Accompanying Person 1
First Name Last Name Badge Nickname
Accompanying Person 2
First Name Last Name Badge Nickname
Accompanying Person 3
First Name Last Name Badge Nickname